česky  esperanto


  new age medy english
knowledge, wisdom, causality, behavior patterns

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Framework, Entities, Relationships, Energy, Information, Style


wisdom, knowledge, causality
Everything around us, we assigned the concepts and look to what works, the highest knowledge is to understand causality, ie relations between the storyline, the causes and context. However, causality has more levels, the highest is above the laws of nature and who wants to create something new, it has to recognize, to discover. Then there are the laws of nature studied in the scientific and technical knowledge. Causal relationship can be discerned in the relationship as well as ethics and contracts. Causality are more stable and have already proven patterns, while in relations with causality has yet to create. It is our task for the next four millennia.
We desire to be successful and therefore the family rather than school familiar with the order of things, as what works and what an appropriate way we can achieve our goals. In all areas of human endeavor is true that knowledge gives a man power and advantages over those who do not know and do not know. On the other hand, however neználci pose risks for human society and the chaos and souring situations. Good will is needed, but if we do not know, help. We know that the idea is powerful and human cognition is a good memory and good ideas and practices. Donor new ideas, while Lucifer, but people have already been discredited, so that it confused with the dominator in finance, we use only the designation "donor new ideas.

Dr. Zamenhof was born in Bielsko-Biala and was an eye doctor in Warsaw, lived in a linguistically complex environment, the people around him speak Polish, Hebrew, Russian and German. He saw also that each of these languages is connected with its own culture and power interests. He created an artificial language and translated into a greater number of books. His dream was to abolish a common language barriers between people, not only linguistic but also cultural and power. Esperanto was released from the Hebrews and is now a club matter, except that each nation has a slightly different vocabulary.
Contemporary society does not support Esperanto, for several reasons, first not to want people around the world agree, as English as a world language well serve travelers, and techologům economists, philosophers, but is unusable. Esperanto has a clear and simple grammar, but ambiguous vocabulary. Esperanto yet to put my hope to become a world language, an accurate machine translation and release path humanitnímu knowledge for all peoples.

dissemination of knowledge and information
I should first define what is information and knowledge. Information is a description of reality, communication about what is happening around us. Knowledge is for me, algorithms, or instructions on how to successfully implement their plans. He still views the position include the evaluation and approaches to what to do. Along with how to improve the possibility of dissemination, printing, newspapers, mail, radio, copiers, Internet, strengthen efforts to control the dissemination of information and block. Political administration does not want people to know what made behind their backs and so is not interested in the proposals of the reformers to improve the human condition. Powerful interests are contrary to disseminate their own information, media owners and those who decide on the content of their communications have real power. Selecting sources of information for yourself program, we choose a life of opinion orientation. I recommend to take the knowledge from all sources and to choose. Unacceptable ideas can serve as incentives to adopt their own views.

education and preparedness for life
Condition for a middle class family is functioning. Trying to block opportunities for middle class I see around me also that the families and genera are able to ensure continuity and value created for various reasons, move into the possession of someone completely different after two generations. The reason is usually born man who has no relationship to the property or is unable to manage it or is it a girl, which brings a man from another family. Once mastered genealogy and family incarnation, then, for maintaining the family remains to be descendants of good education to be able to ensure continuity of the family in all aspects. That is the purpose of education and preparedness for life. In the short term is to ensure that our children cope successfully living reality, not remain dependent on the assistance of parents, while they were on their support. It means a family tradition, family ethics, versatile forward models of behavior and awareness of responsibility for the cell family, genus and transmission assets. If you do not have time education parents or grandparents, it is necessary to provide education otherwise, to invite a nurse educator, choose the right business interest by letting the fate of offspring in the harmful impact of violence on television, computer games or bad party.

Internet and communication technologies
Worldwide computer network Internet was sometime in the seventies of 20th century as a decentralized network of independent communication and the ability to determine which part of the world still communicate after striking weapons of mass destruction. Now initially served the institutions and the destruction of occult wave in the 80 years after the onset of a 16-bit computers became independent komunikačníkm means enabling the spread of alternative ideas. An commercialization of the Internet and its various aspects overcrowding type, topic and level. Currently, the Internet is the dominant information medium on which you can find everything. For many sophisticated response time became the repository of easy gold revenue enabled promoting entrepreneurship, the proliferation of independent ideas, yet without censorship, while also brought to electronically control the entire world and provide information. However, many people are so consistently fail to control, is expensive and perhaps this fact now raised the need to drastically reduce population, called depopulation. When Internet censorship will prevail, then we still have the possibility of disseminating information on digital media. But many computers today only work when they are permanently connected to the Internet.

Axle personality and fate
Opportunity to remedy the personality and destiny is new and until recently was completely taboo and unrealistic. Fate was definitely given a monopoly of the Church's powerful spirituality, was given to all pre-and nor was it possible to know beforehand. You no longer have the monopoly power of fateful, there are more and thus our fateful trend during life changes. Using direct and indirect services we can remove spiritual manipulation and thus free man and to ensure compliance with his own plans and dreams. At different levels it could make shamans, sorcerers and magicians, men and women.