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conditions, opportunities, space, politics, nature

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Framework, Entities, Relationships, Energy, Information, Style


maturity and independence of mankind
Planet Earth belongs to people, people are fulfilling the role of managers, for others it is a verification model for other colonies. This is what people leave everything like it and whether they are able to learn from their historical experience and its plans to create a good social system. Everyone must get a fair chance, otherwise the changes in deprivanty and destroy the system.
Proposals for a fair arrangement, I wrote from 1992 to 1996 and are entitled http://www.medy.cz/literatura/cesta.htm   search path.

spirituality, cults, magic
In the beginning was the Word and the spiritual forces that formed the world. Spirituality controls our lives as well as computer software. Spiritual Journey for development in all areas decisive. Who mastered spirituality, dominate the world. That happened three millennia and is the time suffering a parasitic lifestyle. It is time to recovery of natural spirituality, to address natural. Each place has its "genius loci, spirit of place and each cult has its own spirit, entity and each group has its own spirituality, people asserting religious freedom and expression so that they can create their cults. Large churches have the right to make a spiritual monopoly, therefore, all foreign sects declared and destroyed its influence and overlap. Therefore, in the past, alternative spiritual orientations in the underground as a cult sealed (Zeus) or occult (Thoth).
http://www.medy.cz/priroz-vira/index.htm   Natural faith
http://www.hermesis.cz/vstup/menu.htm   Overview churches,
spiritual groups and directions
http://www.medy.cz/nova-platea/index.htm   Rules magic

Social security
No animal is not sure that would have permanently favorable conditions for life and spiritual influence generally helps in all areas of life, while keeping the animal families throughout the food chain. Even people that are not eliminated, the current civilization does not guarantee social security. Our aim should be enhancing living conditions for all living beings and to human health and particularly on the grounds that many people come into the world with a personal life mission and its successful compliance must be socially provided for.
http://www.medy.cz/perspektivismus/index.htm   Perspektivismus

ezoterika, fortune telling, healing
New age now has many forms and areas, these three also are among them. New age spirituality is open to all who are not associated with any bigoted church. There are several levels: elements, organisms, people, spiritual guides, Dominator (creative spiritual and administrative authority), the fateful power and high intelligence. Spirituality can also be divided into information and energy. Magic can be divided into direct and mediated. Overview of esoteric disciplines can be obtained from esoteric festivals, for example here:
http://www.astrovikend.cz/  Astrovíkend
http://www.medy.cz/magie/magie_medy.htm   Magic
http://www.medy.cz/tarot/spiritualni_sluzba.htm   Spiritual Service

Everything is created after the completion of a review of God subjected the court will decide on further developments. That is the human, technical fields. God's trial was announced for 2000, however, ambiguous or more special-purpose manipulation concerned authority to be judge. In Revelation it is stated that the court made the Lamb of God, but the church said that Jesus is the Lamb. Also, this fraud is the cause of the current systemic crisis. God's court disposed of parasitic and negative spirituality in order to promote creative projects higher spiritual dimension. Now the court to address spirituality, God, after the year 2100 will address the redress of political governance and financial system.
New http://www.medy.cz/nova-platea/index.htm   platea

financial system and credit
The financial system is built a civilization, the abolition of money and finance, the liquidation would occur chaos and civilization would disappear accompanied by pogroms and famine. What it means is that the money was the one who really deserve and that because of the financial reward people should not be forced to work against his conscience. It is necessary to put the financial system in line with the system of spiritual credit.
http://www.medy.cz/blog/index.htm   Blog "Our Time"