Your system, I began to compile the knowledge and understanding of the value circle before
the year 1989. The basis of the mass axis and the axis of the spirit. Values circle
enabled me to understand not only the continuity of human motivation and efforts to
promote or, conversely, to address the possibility of closing. Values Circle enables me to
focus on human action and I'm very good help clients solve problems in the interpretation
of the cards. However, the interpretative key of the value I derived from the circle. Thus
I reached to cover all areas of human endeavor.
Every age brings a different lifestyle, the other in Rome, another in the Gothic period,
another in the Renaissance and the 20th century and at different locations were very
different lifestyle and every social stratum has its own lifestyle. Perhaps we find the
optimal form of life. If people are socially secure and not have to hunt for subsistence
living the creative life-style, all of whom I asked, would somehow help people. On the one
hand, we have a job and function, on the other hand provide home and then still find joy
in life. In the best case, worst in the daily worry about an uncertain future in the
coming days. When we simplify a lifestyle marked all our efforts to live life as best
according to your wishes.
life mission
Most of us come to life with his life mission, to fulfill the task of improving the human
condition. The problem is that few people have conditions to meet him. Many are forced to
devote their full social security, another with psychological blocks. Creating the
conditions for the performance of life tasks, ensuring a reliable part time for six hours
a day. In order to ensure that vital needs are real, but political will is lacking.
Environmental alternatives
The current administrative system of Rome prohibits and blocks any alternative life.
Whatever appears to be under political or religious authority, each independent group is
physically destroyed or infiltrate and change management. People are looking for ways to
relax from the influence of government, live together in squotech, in the community,
trying to secure the maximum of their needs, minimize their needs in retirement living
according to their ideas, not for television, ignore the message or at least the weekend
to merge nature, the beginning of the week once again stuck in the routine of everyday
life. At the beginning of each alternative is to find co-religionists. Globalization, thus
shifting the means of production somewhere in the Far East, has created a new space for an
alternative that caused the crisis and the weakening of state power. We expect an increase
in alternative activities, people are resourceful.
opening existential space
Experiencing pleasant emotions have banned as sinful. On the contrary experience of fear
and suffering is organized churches and government. Many areas of life are intended only
for the elite as a sweet life. The basis of the special-purpose evaluation. Someone wants
to hire for us to assess what is good for us and what is not, who wants the freedom to
learn independently evaluate what is good for him and what not, and their choice to
pursue. Of course it also depends on the options that we have gradually expanded.
links to new age
If we see it as New Age spirituality, suitable or designated for the next two or four
millennia, then I can probably include everything we know. If we accept the restrictive
aspect, the selection will be small. I personally classified by New Age spirituality,
which gives man the choice of good and evil, man opens personal and spiritual growth,
examine the causality of creation, works on the basis of positive energy and positive
thinking, trying to conciliation and consensus results in a fair contract and the
compliance, there are no large hierarchy or the Church, gives a possibility to experience
the positive energy, removing the causes of problems, creates space for the performance of
mission life and in extreme cases, at least not kill and block those principles here.
work 6 hours for all
We can begin. Enforcing political demands of working time of six hours a day. Now, people
are either unemployed and destitute by the workload or vice versa for ten or more hours a
day. This is due to high doses of social and health insurance, but it simultaneously
challenges the provision of pensions and health care have been assigned the role of
physical destruction and sterilization of patients in order to reduce populousness. |