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My story

Before you start reading I have to say that I do not have any privilege and I am an usual man. Maybe I have a little unusual task.

A dream started my thoughts: a lady took my dog, that was big as a mole, and flip with him until he fell on the earth, he started to bleed and he died. I looked into lady´s ego and I saw there crucifix, so I killed her. That evoked my later thoughts about what exactly is my relationship to this world.
I realized how much we care about people we know and how little we care about people we do not know. Also in films: lots of dead we do not care but if our hero is hurt our feelings are woken up.
I realized that this world is strange for me, it refuses me and destroys my relationships. It is mine and at the same time it is not, I want to gain it to belong to me too and so I liquidize spiritual world which attacks me and which takes my world from me. This world refused me, made me a fool and proclaimed me as an disabled person. But I have abilities which could lead in other circumstances to the fame and richness. I can by the way predict future and I can remotely bring back peace and satisfaction to people, to clear the way to projects and to liquidize black magic.
This led me to searching who I am and why the world refused me. I have an archetypical memory, it means a memory of other beings for life of Melkor, Marduk and Menej. Melkor helped Universe to create this world and a man, Menej lived in liquidation of northafric civilization, which went back to Nil and created ancient Egypt empire. Marduk worked in Babylonia in cooperation with Baal. These beings belong to tradition of Orion and to red race. Maybe I was a volunteer who left Orion to help to save community on this planet. I also have the memory of Eliah who came here from planet Era from Plejad.
My personal memory starts on planet Era, where I as a dog or a wolf asked for an incarnation into a man. Gods granted me with the notice that it would not bring me happiness. Then I was about 700 years in an incarnation in halfmaterial body, it is not sure that there is the same length of a year as here.
Ahriel invited me into Christian mission and Adoniesis accepted me. I remember that during the mission choosing not everyone was accepted, it was a precious thing. Women are delegated "ex offo" and I refused a wife like that I would not know what to do with her. Sex is not known there. Wives of others should have flown with us too but they were delayed and they did not catch the starting window to Nibiru. The society was very elite, nobody talked to me because I was primitive and Judas was a criminal. The voyage through the cosmos lasted very long. After arriving on the Earth nobody knew anything what to do, nobody told us the plan and members of the mission got only tactical personal tasks. When there was nothing during 150 years, mission thought that it was betrayed and it asked information and stormed. Adoniesis had to change the plan and start realization earlier.
I took my turn among the first ones, I incarnated into John Babtist and I expected that I will be a prophet. This was refused and I did not know my life task. I walked among Jews and I forgave them their sins which was quite popular. Then Herodes army came for me and people knew I was dead. I did not see it so tragic and I let them keep me in prison where I stayed without explanation and without court, the act of Salome saved me.
When I came back to my God, he was evidently frustrated and he did not need me anymore. When he established Islam, he expected that I go for Islam but it was established as an act of protesting unsatisfied members of the mission under the lead of the archangel Gabriel. I said I always stayed loyal to my god which frustrated Adoniesis again. Later he got rid of me when he sent me to the nothing. I took it as an injury and I called three days for gods until Zeus took me. He doubted if he is still a god but I assured him that he would be a god with me and I advised him if he needed it. Zeus incarnated me three times during a millenium and a half when we were together.
I personally think that a mission was unsuccessful and overpowered and covered by babylonic demons and priests. I presume that the real power of church established Augustinus Aurelius with whom I was incarnated into Adeodat. Where is the end of his wisdom. When I was 15, plejad angel took me from the incarnation and sent me back to god, he probably thought of Adoniesis, but I came back to Zeus who thought I committed a suicide. He was disappointed and let me sleep for thousand years in bard. They woke me up when it was the end of a milenium to judge the world but I refused it saying that the world would be judged after another thousand years it means now which has happened.
To reduce it, on the base of ordeal Zeus incarnated me into emperor Rudolf II and in this incarnation I had a task to gather the information about present state of science. Also I prevented from war but I felt very lonely, I had only one friend Scott. Next epoch of dark was a revenge of gentry and church for this incarnation. After valuation of the incarnation I said that I had had no philosophical program according to which I could reign. In next incarnation as Jean Jacques Rousseau I tried to create such a program. It was used by Iluminators and Zeus was weaned.
Later I was incarnated by Zerubabel into a dog. Because I saved a life I could incarnate again into a human body.
In my present incarnation I fulfil the promise that in this time the world will be judged. I wrote my program and I published it at first through copied brochures, later here on the Internet. I do not feel any good reception, I feel that reading of my writing is blocked by black magic. Since I know that every power group is good for itself and it is unfriendly to the surrounding I decided to accept everyone who express an interest of cooperation with me. But there are no power groups that would take into account interests of common people and which would be interested in solving political problems as a whole not on base of political right-left orientation. There is nobody to realize my philosophical and spiritual writing. I will live here till the end somehow and I am looking forward to other incarnation which I want to live in more pleasant conditions. Therefore I have to carefully clear the world from negative features and power despotism, which makes a man a slave and liquidizes living environment. This will be no problem because this is still a strange world for me that refused me.

I lost hope that the world led by Jeruzalem sects would accept me, I chose a new god called Thoth and I will go his way. Who wants to join Orion and refuse Plejadians come with us. The program of our way is this Natural faith. We will respect and support all earthly (pagan) cults.

I will be here as MEDY for the whole age of sea serpent and my task is to enforce principle "Work for your own prosperity and do not hurt others.". My task is to liquidize all forms of violence, above all wars, a black magic and occult attacks and remove their causes. I will act for benefit of all persons, lines, cults, firms and nations. There will also be the ordeal but not as a sanction tool but as a pacific authority and this task can be done by every magician if he manages the rules. The aim of it is good social relationship.

Are you interested in the world that belongs only to you and your cult?
I want it for everyone.
This requires certain rules of good behaviour.




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