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Natural faith supports human sexuality. Sexuality is an important mean of understanding and comfort and also tolerance to sexuality in private is important. Forms of sexual practise are determined by family tradition and cult habits.
This article presumes that there will reign cosmic cults. When the power over the planet and especially over white race will be taken by earthly cults, the article will not be actual. Then we can expect freedom also in the area of sex.
Area of business and sexuality is under intensive influence of a black magic and both of these areas are places for fights among entities. In the area of business there are by the way Satan against Lucifer, in the area of sex there is Universe-Diabolo and against him angles of world. Falus of a man principle and vulva of a woman principle are spiritual symbols of a man and a woman sexuality and therefore affected power of the light forbid their showing as pornography. The only reason for approval of sex for enemies of a man is their financial profit and also sexuality in marriage.
Nothing divides people more than their opinion of sex, above all its ritual forms. Ritual forms of sex support earthly spiritual world and ties a man to planet Earth to so that it is difficult to take him away on the other planets. Trying to take a man spirit to parallel space and to other planets is the main motive of cosmic activities on this planet. So the area of sexuality becomes occult fight place between earthly and cosmic cults.
Partner sex. Until people will no be cloned and made in laboratories and sex will be the only way how to create a man, then the partner sex and especially sex in marriage will be tolerate.
Sex in countryside. It is arranged by law for every country differently and if we accept laws of EU we can expect more strict laws. Especially common sex in countryside by a fire was always taken as an act of devil and cruelly followed by inquisition. This situation is solved on the level of magic and when we will be allowed to do it we can say that a man is free.
Group sex. It is the base ritual form, especially if there is an open fire. This sexual form can be usual amusement but it requires silence of parties concerned.
Sexual ecstasy. It is usually blocked by a black magic but everyone can experience it.
Naturism is tolerate in reserved places in countryside and also in some spas but it can not last forever.
Children sexuality has its rules and has a lot of forms, it depends on family education. We will search suitable forms and we will teach them to children.
Pornography as a showing of genitals has spiritual measure. Its veto leads to pathological sexual events and there for it is required not to forbid it.
Incest is a good school of sexuality and unites family, it depends on family tradition how parent will behave to children and how children accept it. For some an incest is a source of beautiful memories, for some it brings trauma.
Urinotherapy is for somebody nice form of game, for somebody it is a shock. It can be recommended as harmless games, we still wait for real research of influence on a man.
Game of torture can be only a game and there must be kept the rule of an equivalent state of person in sex. It is good to exchange the roles.
Drag and change of sexual identity there is no reason for forbidding it, may everyone shows his identity or a way of amusing.


Rules of sexuality:

1) sexuality belongs to privacy and all forms presume agreement of all present parties.

2) everyone is equal in sex

3) the epoch requires silence about sex especially about ritual sex

4) by sex there can be expected a presence of spiritual world that can support activity or inhibit it

5) by ritual sex there is always used open fire

6) sex makes understanding and comfort

Spiritual defence