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Natural faith - Social system 1

Next four milleniums will be in sign of a new form of social system. It will be a system change not only some cosmic modification. Now it is possible to set priorities that will be principles of a new social system. Purpose brake of some of these principles can be a reason for destroying a being.

1 Truth: truth is a true description of reality, but we are not able to do it, we will therefore say our vision about society, we will say only what we are sure of that it is true. Then by comparing of our saying we can be close to the truth. None is obliged to say something but if he says something, it must be true.

2 Values and valuation: we must agree what is good and what is bad, it is necessary to determined normality to have the same criteria for valuation.

3 Identity, mandate and credit: these are data that are joined with our being here. Everyone has his own identity and we will not pretend that we are someone else. According to his acts he will gain credit which is a form of valuation. On base of his abilities he can get mandate to do life task.

4 Personal involvement and enforcing our will: social system must give a chance to everyone to develop his personal skills and enforce his personality. It is impossible to valuate personality who wanted to enforce itself but it could not. Who has this ability, he must have possibility to act according to his own will and as to strengthening personality and developing of own skills then the best opportunity is in production and business.

5 No supercharge: every system including a man is built for certain rate of stress. Anything that we use, we must know its rate of stress and nothing can be overstressed. Overstressing of anything can be considered as trying of liquidation.

6 Good will: we will act in good faith and good will and such acting we will expect from others. Mutual contacts depend on norms of acting and agreements.

7 Causality: all acts, states and processes and everything is dynamic, it is joined to causality as a way of the highest intelligence. We will examine reason in every valuation and we will estimate consequences. Intensity of an event is also important.

8 History: everything that we pass is a part of history. Also examining of history leads to recognising of social causality. Not closed and not valuated history is still present.

9 Valuation: everything that happens around us can be considered as a routine or a creative work. The difference is that routine is a work that is examined and valuated and on the other hand we can not say about creative work if it is good or bad. But we create in the conviction that we fulfil our task. Who can create is only someone who has abilities and mandate but valuation can be done by everyone. This should lead to valuation consensus. To create prejudice by manipulation of public meaning is forbidden.

10 Courts and atonement: courts must work on different principle. Courts that do not consider motivation and intention of a man and his rightful interests are only a tool of power. The main task of a court is to conciliate people and groups and to determined who should give up his interests.

11 Separated power: It is not good to concentrate all power into one place because it can be misused. By contrast the power should be divided into many subjects that cooperate mutually. Everything must be solved on the lowest level and wholly independently, only the aim is given which should be reached. The way and solving can not be set it can be only recommended.

12 Using of natural resources: The state and availability of natural recourses seem to be limitation factor of developing of civilization. There is enough of iron but not non-ferrous metals. It is possible to drive on gas but we only heat with it, the same as we did with oil. Present developing says that the material for keeping present form of civilization is available for four milleniums but it will be harder to get them. Therefore we will have to accept a new strategy in using and recycling of materials.

13 Partnership: Cosmic law says that every relationship can be only voluntary and mutually advantageous. Relationship is determined by same values, interests and common aims.

14 Spirituality: Time of big churches as a mean of man manipulation must end up. We must above all learn how to live with spiritual world again, to feel favourably presence of ghosts, to learn to communicate with them and to use their good services as protectors and inspirers.

15 Finance and credit: Every man and every subject is valuated by its surrounding and on base of this valuation he gets credit. Every credit forms including finance must be in conformity.

16 Social system and solidarity: system must be united and it must solve interests of all its parts and subjects. Right-left system did not proved, it is a lasting source of conflicts. People must be rich not to borrow for their needs and big investments, for example accommodation, health and social care and schools should be provided by society. Society must allow fulfilling of all forms of life missions. Social system must ensure that nobody got into impasse. Freedom of a man is determined by his possibilities and free time which can be spent according to everyone´s will.

And in all of it we will look for HARMONY and a RIGHT RATE.


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