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Historical vision

History of mankind, full of conflicts and fights, starts from the fall of Atlantis when almost the whole mankind was destroyed by tsunami waves, probably caused by undersea atomic blow-ups. The pretext and excuse of attack were experiments with genetic information which is forbidden. Then the aliens left the planet and beings from Orion cam here and with the rest of earthly civilisation they renewed Atlantis civilisation in the north of Africa and they take up their wisdom and tradition. Other fate are joined with a return of Nibiru. People of Nibiru destroyed northafric vegetation and they forced out local civilization to the east to the Nil. The witness of their existence is the picture of heaven God created in the rock in the middle of the Sahara desert.
The civilisation around the Nil was never able to react quickly on changes and so it was possible to attack single part of it and reincarnate them. This made earthly civilisation to establish another far independent civilisation in Asia and America. These civilisations were spiritually joined with the centre in Egypt and partly overpowered by other but solidary cosmic power and created social system for the benefit of an earthly man. This way was approved and planted the power of earthly entities.
Eight milleniums ago people of Nibiru started to take spiritual being to their planets for reeducation. These beings were educated to be enemies of our planet and their potential was used in all times. To stop it there were established power hierarchy and institution of a king who decided of a fate of living and dead. From the point of cosmic law the possibility of taking earthly beings to other planets ceased and astral travelling was limited.
The other fatal historical act was Exodus. It was basically power dislocation of Egypt and attracting Egyptians to the Promised Land. These people were led around through the Sinaj desert and fed by jelly from heaven. From the point of law and magic this group was called heritage, but it all die out for two centuries. After the question where the heritage is and what is its fate, there was created nation of Hebrews which took over Palestine with the power of secret technics. As a reaction to this act Babylonia was strengthened and built a tall wall. There is a connection between Hebrew in Palestine, power dividing of Egypt and Babylonia and history of Juda kingdom, Jozue, David and Shalamoun and also prophet Eliah. He was called from Plejad to dislocate Babylonia. After a talk with Jezabel he did not do it and he was killed and taken away back on Plejad. The part of his dismissed played a few gods including Universe. After leaving of Nibiru the Juda kingdom die out thanks to Babylonia power. The destroying of Babylonia was the first aim of Nibiru and part of it played also Christ who was one of the highest cosmic intelligence, not the one of Nibiru.
Destruction of Babylonia was the important part of human history and it established the power of our spatio-temp. The whole scenario was made by Christ. At first Jews attacked Babylonia and they were overpowered. Then there is an unclear epoch when Babylonia took Jew into captivity in its town. I suppose it happened because of Christ instruction to Baal. Jews lived in captivity for ten years and then they opened the gate of the town for Persian army led by Kyr. Babylonia was devastated and priests were nailed on the gates of the town. This epoch of human history ran by the return of Nibiru in – 580 till -490 when the big Persian empire was conquered at river Marathon. Nibiru managed to destroy two opposite empires at once, Babylonia and Persia.
These events were resounded in other parts of world, for example Brahma in fear of fate of his empire established Buddhism and left it for eastern area.
After destroying of Egypt and Babylonia the way for Juda kingdom was opened to power above the whole world and this event is described in the book of Ageus (a part of Bible). Just in this epoch the world was divided into poor and rich, poor were earthly people and rich was cosmic elite joined by power with Nibiru. Who wanted to become rich he had to join Nibiru and stay loyal. This is the way how the world gentry and spiritual saints were established.
Other fate of the planet was in direction of Christ. With the earthy servants of Nibiru, especially Zerubabel, there was an agreement that until the next return of Nibiru, he will create a new big empire, which will be overpowered by Nibiru. This started the epoch of wars under the lead of aristocracy. Zerubabel was incarnated twice, for the first time as Aristoteles 384 – 322 and he became a teacher of Alexander Macedonic who as a big army leader dislocated surrounding powers and in his second incarnation as a roman imperator he started wars with the aim of creating the Roman empire.
By the other return of Niburu there was a Christian mission because the conditions were not ready, the mission had to stay 160 years in Juda desert as Essey sect. Their task was to rewrite saint books. When the members of mission started to storm, there had to be an act. Originally Jesus should preach in Rome, but for hurrying the actions made him preach in Juda where he was not accepted. Christianity was brought to Rome by st. Paul. Original plan, according to which the new empire should have been established and in it Christianity should have been accepted was successful in the end.
To avoid Jew from suspicion and historic responsibility that they dislocated ancient world, their own empire was dislocated too.
These events established the power of present world. But not even that was the end of the plan. Cosmic highest intelligence allowed operations of cosmic powers from Plejad for two milleniums. This epoch ended in 1840. This led to establishing of church Jehova´s witnesses and Mormons, today CJKSPD. Christianity is very sophisticated, elaborated religion as a tool of slavery of a man and his reeducation to the non-thinking biorobot and overpowering of the whole planet. Mandate of Christianity for two milleniums was also the reason for establishing of Islam which was not influenced by this time limitation.
The whole plan is in contradiction of the principles of the highest cosmic intelligence. Now the earthly historic and magic processes appeared to be purpose acts controlled by the highest cosmic intelligence and as a consequence of their inner disputes. If we do not look at earthly history from the earthy man point of view, we can realize the deep logic of all processes and we can predict the next tendency of developing.
If there was no act of higher power in the area of magic the world would be drawn in explosion of violence and wars. After the act the tendency to violence fell back. It is shown that ideologies are not the way of solution and confession to an ideology and big religions are not the guarantee of life forever. We will start again from the base and it is from the principles of ego. For the future it is necessary to create a theoretic model of harmonic social society, then to create a man model that would accept it and realize it and then this social model must be checked in practise. After examining of social model our planet stops to be an examining model and it starts the way to harmonic living, its standard is determined by the state of non-renewable sources and it will be ended by cooling of the planet or by explosion of the sun.
Today, 16th April 2006 I reached what I wanted: Gods Thoth and Brahma were confirmed for four milleniums, Baal and Buddha are confirmed for one millenium and other cults can create only minor groups. This is related to their delegate magic power.



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