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The card-reading key is based on a sense and logic of The value circle

It is necessary to understand The value circle for tarot-card-reading. And maybe vice-versa the card-reading key will lead you to understanding of The basic value circle. The point of this connection is to meet the whole basic value area and in the same time to make a well remembered system that does not request looking to a printed form of a card-reading key. During the card-reading you must select 3 or 4 cards. Their combination gives the meaning of the card-reading while the first card shows the beginning, the second card shows the running and the third card shows the point or the causality and the circumstances.

The big Arcan (The big secret)

a00m.jpg (13631 bytes) 0 - The fool

- a man, oppinions or action which is out of the system or very unexpected

a01m.jpg (13894 bytes) I - The magician

- the influence of a magic power, spiritism, magic, supernaturalism

a02m.jpg (13242 bytes) II - The high priestess

- the pagan spiritual cult, New Jerusalem

a03m.jpg (13601 bytes) III - The empress

- the favour impact of social and political system, for example joint and financial support

a04m.jpg (13014 bytes) IV - The emperor

- the negativ or not favour impact of the administration, repression, limitation, punishment, control

a05m.jpg (13851 bytes) V - The hierophant

- the impact of the spiritual cults of the heaven kingdom

a06m.jpg (13873 bytes) VI - The lovers

- the love as a value, the holy love, positive and beautiful relationships

a07m.jpg (14223 bytes) VII - The chariot

- the ways of changes, but expected changes, natural and conflictless

a08m.jpg (3717 bytes)   VIII - The balance

- the end of conflicts, making a deal, arbitrage, judgement

a09m.jpg (13465 bytes) IX - The hermit

- the life in an isolation rather involuntary, loneliness, desolate of friends

a10m.jpg (14459 bytes) X - Wheel of fortune

- the destiny keeping in your own hands, to deside of your own destiny and the way of your life

a11m.jpg (14535 bytes) XI - Desire

- the passion and also the morale. The relation to a sexuality, an alcohol, a passion and drugs

a12m.jpg (13462 bytes) XII - The hanged man

- the serious limitation which does not allow to continue in plans, punishments, prison, obstruction

a13m.jpg (15236 bytes) XIII - Death - the serious and definitive end of the program, plans, but rather of lives (see the card STOP) a14m.jpg (15137 bytes) XIV - The art - special personal abilities and skills, a talent and an industry
a15m.jpg (14505 bytes) XV - The devil - a strong opponent whom you can not beat, it is maybe possible to make a deal with him or fall back and respect him

a16m.jpg (16045 bytes) XVI - The tower

- the time of dramatic changes which will require a huge imput and leaving the safe place. The proces do not need to be ruining, destroying

a17m.jpg (14347 bytes) XVII - The star

- the card shows special personal positive characteristics and the quality which matter

a18m.jpg (13403 bytes) XVIII - The moon

- the card for negativ personal characteristics which are the obstacles for reaching the point

a19m.jpg (14897 bytes) XIX - The sun

- very special favour of the destiny, the appel to the confidence and selfconfidence, to fullfilling your plans and programs

a20m.jpg (14632 bytes) XX - The armageddon

- the important social changes which will have the impact also to a personal life

a21m.jpg (15251 bytes) XXI - The universum

- the influence of a social inviroment - the nation, the world. For example joining the politics, the impact to (world) events

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The cards of a small arkan, the meaning is showed in the picture above:

The SWORDS: personal quality, personality and relationships
The STAFFS (sceptres): cards of a personal decision, programs, possibilities and a way of life
The CUPS: the wisdom, the knowledges, the education and fullfillness of the social function
The DISCS (coins): the property, finance, material ensurance, credit


The ACE: the card that symbolized the basic value area, for exaple personal characteristics, possibilities, education and knowledges or property
The TWO: the card shows the big problems that are not overcome without punishment and serious problems, it is better to fall back
Exeption: the two of cups is a card of a love, favour and confidence
The THREE: problems and difficulties which are overcome or it is possible to overcome them
The FOUR: a small social group, a family or relatives or working group where everyone knows one another
The FIVE: the card of the helpless (staffs), conflicts (cups), illness (swords), financial deadlock (coins)
The SIX: a big social group in which people do not know one another, a town, a state, the nation, a social inviroment. The six of discs: the big property
The SEVENS: the card of conditions, something depends on something that has not yet come true, very often it depends on a personal free decision
The EIGHT: the card of time, it depends on the right time running, on the time and the action on the right time. Do not hurry, do not delay
If the card is on the first place - very soon, on the second place - the change, on the third place - the duration.
The NINE: the card says that everything will go according to expectations
The TEN: the card for a big amount of something or it could be a higher system
The PRINCE: the card of a beginning, something starts or it will be on the beginning (the Prince of staffs - a child, children, the Prince of cups - the moving)
The KNIGHT: the card of a function, the card of the fullfillness of the function or an impact of a person in a function. (the Knight of staffs -a war, a fight, a confrontation)
The PRINCESS: the partner card, it relates to a personal partner or to a person very close (of the opposite sex).
The QUEEN: the card of a stability and the point card. It shows the stability and a peace, the reliability and forethought.

@01.jpg (9374 bytes) 

That card is a spear card, I have call her STOP card. It is similar to the card The Death, but it does not concern a person but an activity. It could be a blind or dangerous way and it is better to put an end to it or something will be ended.

@03.jpg (8157 bytes)  The second spear card is in my reading the card of the higher power. For a sense of that power it is necessary to choose another card.

If the cards slip from hands it means: DO NOT READ THE CARDS, the card-reading is not possible to do or it is not advisable.

I have change the meaning of the card number 5 because of my practical needs.

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The cards of Fives are the cards of problems and conflicts. Every Five means some kind of trouble.
The FIVE: the card of the helpless (staffs), conflicts (cups), illness (swords), financial deadlock (coins)

It is necessary to say that there is a lot of sorts of the tarot cards. Choose those you want.
For the card-reading it is necessary to have cards, the card-reading key and the intuition pro the selection of cards.


Process of the card-reading:

We have to ask the clear and unambigouse question. We have to know also to whom we are reading cards.
We spread all cards on the table so that we see them all.

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It is good but not necessary to have burning candles nearby.
We studdy the cards and we select them one by one by the intuition. We put cards on the table and then we turn them at ones with the pictures up.
According to the card-reading key we give them the sense.
Then we try to find the right meaning of the chosen cards. We let our fantasy to work. We put down the meaning or we can say it to our client.
We think about the meaning and then we put another question in logic sequence.
If a client wishes, we can look for a different variants for a decission. Single variants for and agains we select from the cards at once.
We can change the card-reading and the card-reading key. The selection of the cards will adapt to it.

At the personal meeting the client should think about the question and does not need to say it. The first card-reading is without question, "what the cards want to say".

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