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The mandate can

The hierarchy of power is based on the mandate and authority at all levels up to Armageddon. Similarly, the pine is compatible from the roots to the top of loaves. Somewhere down the system we can, the smallest people, are certainly the homeless, but those from the off, not into it as well as fools, criminals and goodfellas.
Above us are the politicians that you can choose in free elections, to manage our political affairs and ensure the well-being of us, which would certainly be very glad they did. They are, however, limited money, the funds for their activities to them with great love entrusts the owners of the world today, especially bankers. When politicians give us more populist, indept all of us and everyone and everything belongs to the bankers.
But bankers are sovereign masters of the world, they are Jews, Christians or Muslims and must listen to your God and act according to his instructions, otherwise lost, and bankers would do someone else.
The gods are only the servants of the system established by the Holy Spirit, the eternal. The Holy Spirit, or perhaps not being, but created a system and as such certainly has a real holder of power. At this point I could probably install a little varangians, as it told Mr Ivo Benda. Little varangians but the need for life energy and the negative emotions of fear and demand, hardship, suffering and hopelessness, have asked to fight a particular war. Examples of us was Jesus so very had to us an example.
   Bankers and the elite are fighting wars we took, as in the wars and crises destroyed their opponents from the growing middle class. Middle layer was consistently destroyed during the two world wars, but it's counterproductive, because while the threat has been postu exelity creative source of all wealth and to meet us now.
Well, because "God is love and God is good", so you have the dirty work for the benefit of little varangians the relationship of Jesus and Jesus is our Lord. " God from all distances despotism, it is written: I never knew you; go from me, who are we iniquities. Mt 07.23 Unlike the LORD, which is with Job worry. Large churches are again worry with us and now that we want to save space powers. Already the crisis is over, otherwise people will call spacemans that we came here to make policy. In your own interest, but order must do yourself. God the Father is acting under the mandate it receives from Christians, they pray rogation: "Thy will be done both in heaven and on earth". His will is expressed in the Revelation of John, and there is nothing nice. The problem is that God takes note in particular those from which the mandate not only heretic him interested more than a thousand faithful believers. This system you can not afford any alternative. There was by then able to supply energy little varangians fear and suffering, people would arrange welfare.
An amendment, as otherwise: Jesus is here, suffering from a large shrine to his right little varangians. But you know a way to defend him to be good. Show him but not to already know from Judas. When Jesus ubrania, can your adult life, as it wishes: "If the heir is a minor, nothing is different from a slave, being lord of all. It is subject to guardians and trustees until the father. So we, when we were children, we were slaves of space power. " Gn 4.4 - And you do not want to be.
Just enter the space powers are of course also their gods, but there is ruling totalitarian theocracy. Plain have no other choice than to listen unconditionally as biorobots. Since there has not the spiritual world, added to it from our planet.
Neither these gods are not on top of a power over them is still a group that says "the idea of donors." These are the real programmers life space. Like any programmer, and they tried to keep their system has worked well and growing. Their aim is the extension of intelligent life in the working community in the entire universe. They wish that our planet came out of the new gods, but those old spoils them. They all new creatures biorobots to maintain its position. This is the basis for the dispute, which gives us the chance of survival. Earth creative people get inspired, while the elite, supermen are ignored, but powerful creative ideas you can from the ordinary creative people out and individually implemented or later to buy a functioning project.
This is our present time is trying to address and ultimately opens the way people personal spiritual growth and spiritual essence of the problem is settled by the world. And to watch.
What's next? After removal of the forces and energies, which demonstrably harmful to humans, in Europe resume invention for all without distinction and the Czech Republic and Europe will again work normally. The crisis should be a lesson, and new information from more people to show a new way of renewal to remove war and violence, suffering and despair and created conditions for the restoration of the middle layer. The next "ordeal" is already a hundred years after the year 2100 effort to evaluate the European elite, good and evil remains the correct one according to their foreign ideas. But many that are first will first. Mt 19, 29 Great Church in Europe lost its influence.