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Cult codex

To create a cult codex which means to create cult culture I invited my friends from the other groups too, it is not only the thing of Natural faith. The sense of a cult codex is opening a possibility for non-conflict coexistence of different cults and their competition of a man favour. The basic idea is the first point.

1) everyone will keep commonwealth of his own cult and he will not attack or disturb the other cults.
2) God-being is only the one, but it is a giver of causality and there is no room except him and he is far from us, he does not call us and we can know his laws. His program is spreading of harmonic society of intelligent people to cosmic.
3) gods in our sense are dominant spiritual beings that create social society and can come out of a man. They can be called Dominators. There are Thoth, Hor, Buddha, Brahma, Zeus, Belial and Bafometh and there can be a lot more.
4) respect of foreign dominators is a basement of cult culture.
5) the base of spirituality is spiritualism, its base is cooperation of a man with spiritual beings come from human incarnation.
6) magic is a area of spirituality enforcing cult social interests.
7) all disputes can be solved on a magic level in confrontation of arguments.
8) every good and bad experience is cultly portable.
9) accepting of these principles can be a reason to mutual support.
10) the base of power is magic. Magic is above all service, whoever misuses it, he can lost his abilities.



Anarchy system