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Ritual is a common activity of cult members which is different from cult to cult. Every cult prescribes for its members common activity which is its own and which makes the different to other dissenters. For confessor of natural faith is common only ritual greeting: slapping with palms (see the picture). Other rituals are given only as an offer for individual groups, they can choose or create their own rituals.
Stay in countryside. Above all activity connected with staying in countryside can belong to rituals of Natural faith. Cleaning of countryside, sitting around a campfire, singing and games, common spending the night in countryside, walks and trips, it all can be considered as rituals. Especially nakedness in countryside, naturism, marsh and sex.
Pleasant body feelings are very suitable part of human life for spiritual world. Everything what makes you feel good by playing with bodies can be used as a ritual. As to nakedness and sex than the mark of membership to Natural faith is bare or almost bare genitals and its surrounding.
Meetings and festivals joined with music production always has spiritual dimension. Music as it is has spiritual content and different cults have its own favourite music style. During performance certain music is chosen by listeners and wakes up the feeling of belonging.


