Spiritual defence1
defence, amulets and spells are common practice but it helps only against
ghosts – curious fellows, not against militant attackers. The second step is to choose
an own personal guide and to follow rules that every spiritual contact will be provided
through the guide or with his agreement. The guide can be a spirit of a dead person which
won our favour when he or she was alive. This guide should be protected by calling him or
her everyday and talking to her or him as to a living person. Attacking practice can
replace this being by foreign cosmic entity. There is a simple way how to find it out, in
our imagination we put proving principle, sexual
principle falus or vulva into the being and it makes disappearing of the alien. If we
still have any doubts we can put flaming heart of love into the being and it can change
into a lizard or snake and then we have to put there flaming heart of love again which
returns the same shape or we have to kill the lizard or the snake. The third proving
principle are suspenders of promiscuity, also spiritual promiscuity, which can be accepted
only by a person who respects religious freedom. These are ways for proving identity of
spiritual beings which we use for protecting against interchange of personal guides. It is
the basic rule for every spiritual practice.
Spiritual or astral world is a world of imagination. Ideas and imaginations are reality for
this world and we are able to create this reality by our own thoughts. What is only a
thought for us is reality for spiritual world. But also a man is basically a spiritual
being and therefore we can be threatened by thoughts. Our common world is a world of energy and this energy can heal or kill. Above all
we have to dump our fear. We wish the fear disappeared from
the world so that no being was scared. Let´s act so that we are able to vindicate
ourselves our acts and we can loose our fear by it. Something else is a fear that is based
on a real threat. All protective activity is based on management of imagination and
We can light up a blue light for our protection then we are invisible for spiritual
world and no ghost can see us and contact us. Another way of protection is to refuse foreign beings, it is similar to a fairy tale of kids and a
wolf. If a spiritual being wants to contact us we can ask to which god it belongs. We will
refuse someone who says he is our friend. We never
make an agreement with such beings. We deal only with beings of our cults not regarding to
our post and power. We also deal only with beings that say their names if they belong to
the same god. Spiritual agreement between beings from different cults can be made only by
magicians and they know that most of those agreements will be not fulfilled.
These skills can be managed by
medial persons, shamans and witches. Another skill is killing
spiritual beings. Who gains this skill he or she can call himself a magician or
a priestess. I gained this ability after I was attacked in my imagination by spiritual
beings in long robes with hoods. Before they could attack me I ripped them by a knife.
There is a lot of ways how to kill a spiritual being and I know that this ability can be
gained by anyone who is attacked without a reason by spiritual beings. The higher ability
is a group liquidation of spiritual beings for example
by burning fire or their falling into a sea or earth. This ability can be gained only for
a moment by magicians and it can be removed in case that they do not need it anymore or
they misused it.
Another way of protection can be
obtained by illumination. Who has some task within
Natural faith he or she has ability to protect him/herself in order to finish the task.
The important ability is a gift of reevocation of lost
spiritual beings. Spiritual beings can be wherever removed and they do not come to us. In
that case we keep calling their names and we search them and for escape form nothing it is
enough to call their names three times. Lost spiritual beings separate from united common
consciousness, same as if you copy data from recourse.
There is also a situation that we
have to protect our gods, dominators and spiritual guides.
The manual is that we put earth spiritual principles in their ego in our imagination.
Those principles are falus of man´s sexuality, vulva of woman´s sexuality, suspenders of
promiscuity and religious freedom (the foreign beings disappears) and flaming heart of
love (being gained original shape of demon or lizard). The protection of gods is a task
for magician.
Act always in good will and good
If it is not possible to criticise your work none can criticise you.
On the earth there will be threat
of destroying spiritual beings, diabolic high priest will have a power of burning fire and
this lasting threat should ensure return to observing cosmic laws. |