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What does the natural faith offer?

What does Natural faith offers to a man? Freedom from religious dogmas and protection of searching ones. There is a freedom for everyone to act in good will according to one´s conscience. It offers also unity of opinions and values so that people can agree and unite their opinion of life. It also shows the ways to reach personal aims and it submits suggestions for social peace and social contract. It is on the side of man and it protects him from influence of badwill cosmic powers. For lots it may not bring anything new, perhaps it only helps to express better the thing they felt earlier. It persudes you that what you do and what raised feeling of guilt is good and acceptable and that feeling of guilt is reasonless.
It opens other possibility for common people, it supports middle class and it helps to limit the power of supranational subjects. Europe should be sovereign power similarly to other subjects separated by borders of individual continents.
The thing that says Natural faith, is not anything new for common people and common people are not limited by it because existential space of common people is limited by power more than enough. It is surely priority to give freedom to people as much as possible and to ensure that they do not misuse it.
Natural faith legalizes witchcraft, spirituality and future-reading, which are areas forbidden by Hebraism and Christianism. It is therefore necessary to use the possibility that is given by Declaration of human rights and the Bill of Rights, above all religious freedom and opinion freedom with respecting it for other subjects. It is sufficient to agree with principles of Natural faith at the end of this talking.
The main reason for studying spirituality is life style. If there are two dissenter in love who decide for common life, in a few years they do not have anything to say to each other and their relationship is filled with mutual rejection. If there are two co-religionists, they support each other and they have always something to do together.
Nettle likes wet and well amended places. Thyme likes dry places. If there was a nettle government, they would create environment suitable for them and everywhere would be amended and wet. If there was a thyme government it would try to remove every fertilizers and every pastures would be dry. It is good that there is a lot of kind of plants and every plant in its microclimate.

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What do you have to and what should you do