Where are you off to, man? 

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Quo vadis, homo?

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Well then, where are you off to, when you already know everything? What program do you follow? I ask you about that to find out what awaits me, too. Even Creator may inquire that of you to learn how you treasure his work, and also Saviour to learn whether or not he should give you a helping hand as well. Likewise your parents may ask you about that to be informed how they would live in old age, and also children to learn whether or not they may rely on you. Now then, where are you off to? What plan and program do you follow? Who may count on you? And on whom do you bank as far as your plans are concerned? Did you give up your ability to discern good and evil because you do not want to equal with god? If you did, then you voluntarily assumed role of a slave who implicitly accepts foreign value judgement as regards good and evil. In such case whosoever could point the finger at any man who does not belong to his family and at the same time tell you: “He is devil!” And thus you would know your enemy. Subsequently you might even militate against somebody without whom you would hardly manage in life and who gave you his all.
I want to say to you, who see here only misery and who are on the point of leaving for heaven, that you make little of Creator’s work and you do not perceive possibilities which are here available. I am not going to hinder you in traveling to desolate planets. You may choose the planet where you will get on. Would you prefer Venus? Or Mars? Or some moon of Jupiter?
Just realize that you decided in favour of desolate planet voluntarily, if such move was not inflicted as punishment. Or would you like to settle somewhere farther? Would you select far flung Pleiades? I give you advisory opinion. In case that you would feel there very bad about such relocation, ask local gods for erasing your memory. After that you will not yearn for your former home.
And what about you, who came to our planet from another spheres? Do you at least appreciate its beauty and present possibilities for life? Do you endeavour to establish here better surroundings for yourselves and your group? If you will be nice on us and hard working, you will be well off. However, terrestrials learned their lessons, so that you evidently will not make slaves of them.
Furthermore, also we are on the scene, wanting to tie up with Creator’s work. We try hard to create wonderful surroundings on this planet, conditions of existence without frustration, suffering and impasse situations. We would accept anybody, of course. We have to undergo lengthy learning process ourselves. But we have already learnt many things. For example, we know that man has to do everything from the shoulder or pay for foreign assistance which usually is not provided for nothing. And we also discovered that we follow a way where is forbidden to laze around.
Finally, I would like to turn with next questions to you, who complain about lack of freedom. Are you clear in your own mind what you would like to do in case that somebody gives you a free hand? Would you get out of your cage if somebody opens the gate? What would you do as people enjoying true freedom?