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5. knowledge of natural faith


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spiritual help
on the shamanic level

1. the notion of baptism

2. spiritual principles

3. list of baptists

4. conditions and degree of dedication

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To pay for the implementation of baptism affects co-religionisty with the Baptist.
If the Baptist as a sign of recognizing the knowledge co-religionisty Natural faith, then the discount is determined by the guide. Natural faith you can read here:


Basic price of baptism is the   1000 CZK (40 euro) or less.

He who correctly answers five of the eight locations of the issues at stake here,
pay for the baptism of 500 CZK (20 euro) or less.

Price depends on number of interested and in agreement with the Baptist.
Baptism may be part of the interpretation of the cards as a way to remedy the problem.
Any meaningful response in terms of simple spiritism may be recognized, the response bound to a different ideology or basis of faith however, satisfies the conditions for a discount  co-religionists.
questions (and offer the answers):

1. what values it is based the old world?
(the hierarchy of power, ideology, penalties, bondage and elitism, manipulation)

2. what values it is based the new system?
(on the autonomy of all those (persons and groups), spiritual support and agreement)

3. What is the basis of natural belief?
(free of spiritualism, the basic rules of cooperation between the human and spiritual
world, is intended as a basis for further spiritual directions)

4. what is the highest human motivation?
(the possibility of experiencing pleasant experiences and promote their own accord)

5. what is the invention and intuition?
(provision of fruitful ideas leading to solutions or to protect)

6. What is conscience?
(summary of the internal ethical values, that is what we consider to be correct)

7. What is the basis for morality?
(respect for contracts and agreements, performance expectations)

8. what is the administrative hierarchy of natural religion (the organization)?
(self is not, the hierarchy is linked to the support of secular subjects, if you have
terms of individuals, relationships, families, culture, manufacturing and regional management bodies)

9. what is secured incarnation?
(life in the body with predestinate partner co-religionist, ensuring social, environmental program, guide and protector)

10. which are space laws?
(will you go and wish the same attracts the same one so that you at least defended myself, what is repeated three times, will be repeated next time, should not be mistaken identity, identity is connected to personal credit)

11. which are more space-laws?
(not the planet itself power to act, it is possible the free movement of individual beings among planets, the planet we are foreign guests, the causes of violence, it is necessary to find and remove, hope not to take ,...)

12. What are the rules for human sexuality?
(sexuality education is the responsibility of family and belonging to the family and privacy, where it has no outer limit or prohibit, it is assumed that parents will not cause trauma to their children and children that the behavior of parents as the standard)

13. What is privacy?
(environment, each entity in which they are not external links)

14. What is occultism?
(occultism is conceal information about privacy, about the existence of dissident activities)

15. How to resist the attack of black magic?
(or disposal teleportation or offensive pacifyty of energy
However, most occult, hidden lifestyle and religion)

16. What are the benefits of baptism?
(develop personal skills and this gives a chance to promote a success)

17. With which people can best be understood?
(co-religionists is, therefore, people with similar views and values)

18. What is the role of nemanipulovaního public opinion?
(an important element for determining the credit of individuals and groups)

19. Why is baptism necessary?
(because a large church people chose the spiritual principles of ego and then ega
completely let go of many)

20. We have access to people with respect?
(yes, everyone has some value and respect each expected)

21. Why is he one common system path? (Belief, ideology, totalitarianism.)
(because everyone else is their origin, ability and spiritual maturity)

22. Who decides what is right and wrong? What is good and evil?
(You can identify anyone on the basis of consensus and people meet as co-religionists)

23. What is a sect?
(group with their own spirituality separate from a large church official)

24. What is this ritual?
(prescribed spiritual discussions to identify the spiritual group.
rituals raise the emotions, experiences and psychological ecstasy)

25. What is a religious opinion and freedom?
(possibility to choose their own spiritual path and to create and communicate their own views)