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Christ is telling


People went through the very difficult time which is connected with a liquidation of negative spiritual principles. The whole process of the last time was provoked by fallen angels Anunaki who called up the darkest powers for the support of their plans and they created a number of false spiritual constructions. Thanks to their manipulation they atracted some part of people. The whole process was finaly liquidated in dramatic magical circumstances. My image, my personality and my mission was deformed by this process. Mental level of a man was purposely lowered and the man in himself was exposed to a suffering, a confrontation and a mutual antagonism because of every kind of a difference. Who thinks that he is called up to the God service, let him think about the state of the sociaty, he can find help in these pages. About 80 per cent of these pages is useable for this purpose which means a high success. New bible testament is useable in 40 per cent. Now the affairs of the past are closed and they mean for us especially the moral and the material for the examination. The man can turn his interest to the future now.

  I have inspired a part of these pages although their author did not realized it. Medy did not know who is his inspiration and he accepted just those messages he agreed with. Nyvoš Medy became my medial witness. I endorse those pages as they are now to this day. But I know that the earthly man does not come from the one archetyp and so noone will be able to accept everything as it is. Accept these pages as an inspiration for your own considiration and for the unifing of many different positions.

  Human spiritual views are very different. Let to everyone his oppinions and respect them. The effort of uniffication of the spiritual views would lead to another antagonism in this time. Let every one have his own faith.

  The whole antagonism was purposely provoked. Every conflict has his cause and every cause is possible to remove if there is a good will. Wars and revolutions are not necessary and they bring nothing good.

  The most of the causes of social aggression is on the side of those who declare the fight against the terrorism. It is necessary to deal with the causes of the social aggresion and to comply with the request.

  In today's labours productivity it is possible to reach the general prosperity. For success it is necessary to reform the financial and power system. The things, that man can not manage to do till the year 2009, will be set right by the outer powers based on the finished judgement. The judgement is done but not all sanctions were fulfiled.

  The target of the whole effor is "sustainable life". It is a generaly used term that is known also to entities which are not allowed to use it. The system of sustainable life includes the life style considerated the nature, nonconfrontated existential forms and the ability to social selfregulation, which means the harmonization of the sociaty.

  The term Madman has to be revaluated, especially the persons connected with the spiritism and the alternative social practises.

  Everyone who thinks that he has some life mission will probably be right. Many people are now called up to a service which is unknown or non-standard to a earthly world.

  I personally wish my best to a man, including a delight and a pleasure which can be given by his body and the nature. I do not wish any suffering to a man if he seeks the purity of his soul. I seek also the growth of a human spirit and his every single incarnation should be the school that exalts the man.

  What concerns christianity, from the original idea there is not left much. A lot was manipulated not in favour of a man and in favour of a slave power. It is not still desided if the christianity is reformed or if I invite my loyals to a new community. In the meantime search for me in your hearts not in the present churches.