lg_nplat.gif (2384 bytes)
Author:  Pavel Nìmec, Brno 2003, (Nyvosh, Medy, Pohodicka),  lg_eng2.gif (2255 bytes)  
The New PLatea	page 1
Activity of spiritual group the New PLatea
Activity and significance of association the New PLatea
The New PLatea	page 2
Translated by Karel Kessner (the author of the dissertation A HUNDRED TIMES MORE)

Karel Kessner: A HUNDRED TIMES MORE     DOC.ZIP 52k



page 1
Activity of spiritual group the New PLatea
Activity and significance of association the New PLatea
	This form was established for implementation of the law regarding movement of 
spiritual beings and for consensus among earthly cults. It is not about independent activities 
within the bounds of a spiritual group (cult, sect or church); there are just presented basic 
principles for earthly cults: you should have then no trouble to distinguish them from 
extraterrestrial cults. For earthly cults here are listed common binding rules, which do not 
relate to extraterrestrial cults. The rules for activities of extraterrestrial cults are specified in 
the agreement concluded with the universe being called Sophros: the agreement is presented 
under the adjacent icon (Ra).
	The association New PLatea
1) primarily offers opportunities for communication with all earthly cults and helps to put 
their legitimate claims through;
2) guarantees observing cosmic laws and agreements here on the earth;
3) practises spiritual arbitration;
4) presents for reception principles specifying spiritual activities of earthly cults;
5) particularises standards of terrestrial naturalness and normality;
6) warrants functionality of karmic system and order of incarnation.
As earthly cults can be termed only the ones which:
1) do not decoy anybody away to other planets, do not propagate a kingdom of heaven and do 
not invite foreign entities;
2) have respect for earthly naturalness of terrestrials and do not change it;
3) present their lifestyle and their habits of a cult in line with naturalness of terrestrials;
4) base their activities on spiritism;
5) revere terrestrial creation, human body, joy and delight;
6) separate earthly cults set up lineages which participate on the political administration.
Anybody who comes from another planet to the earth could be regarded as:
- a guest, if as a guest here behaves;
- a terrestrial, if he does not set himself apart from the inhabitants of earth;
- an intruder or plotter, if he implements his power politics.
	In the terrestrial sphere
the New PLatea is designed especially for unification of main principles regarding lifestyle. 
Nobody else shall stick up for our political interests instead of us. We can become members of 
certain political party or establish a special public corporation, but in the 21st century we shall 
not certainly publicly present ourselves in any guise as the New PLatea. It’s only a question of 
time: how we expand, how many members and sympathizers we get. Never come into any 
conflict, if you are not sure that you can pave the way to victory. Rather prefer to withdraw 
and consider possibilities how to survive. Take into account that any dispatch could possibly 
become a subject to somebody’s control. Learn the culture of communication. Confide 
important information personally. You may even invent how to play with dispatching coded 
message. What a man enciphers and codes, a computer deciphers, but what one computer 
enciphers and codes, another computer might not decipher. Spread the informations about this 
program among your friends and copy and distribute also the CD of the cult. However, be 
prepared to receive enormous quantity of information and to sift them, irrespective of a source 
and origin. Let’s shake hands, it is essential, but do not place a great importance on the fact, 
that forgiving is recommended even in the Bible. The focal point of secular power is 
supported by power base of lineage and family co-ordination; lineage is generally a part of 
certain cult.
page 2
Priorities - published on www.osud.cz		          
Going our own way to understanding we accept variety of priorities which we regard as a 
zenith of knowledge; there is maybe a bad visibility, perhaps we are spiritually blind: after few 
days we reach another zenith of knowledge and then change other priorities. We accept new 
priorities and put aside or neglect the former ones. And what are my priorities nowadays?
1. We are living in the spiritual world, which tries to present us only one spiritual authority: 
Univerzum or also the Primordial Creator of everything and everybody. However, the 
universe is in the process of evolution, analogously as are cosmic dimensions, which only few 
people can perceive. The lucky men who do perceive them are supposed to give credible 
testimony. The time tells that the whole universe did not get into absolute power of a sole 
authority. Competitiveness leads to confrontation and therefore was the system of a sole 
authority replaced by the system of cooperation practised by necessary number of dominators.
2. If the dominators are to shape this world, then we have to ensure sufficient quality of life by 
means of POSITIVE ENERGIES, namely: love, satisfaction, contentment, joy, feelings of 
happiness, hope, solidarity, and so forth. Convincing proofs reveal, that on the basis of 
negative energy every competitiveness leads to confrontation tending towards destruction of 
3. Our global civilization, which also serves as a model for verification of positive system, is 
the only one of this kind in the whole cosmos: We are under protection of cosmic Creators, 
who want to succeed in protecting this terrestrial system. But the planet must be cleared of all 
sources producing violence, suffering and negative energies. Lie is also regarded as 
unacceptable ballast of the terrestrial creation.
These are three priorities of our existence on the planet Earth, which is also called Terra or 
Shan. The earthly gods implement this outlined program better than the invited cosmic ones. 
Therefore the earthly gods were given preference of incarnation.
In view of the fact that the zones of placement and displacement were interchanged, another 
creation shall occur in our interspace.
The spiritual laws:
1a) The spiritual world has a right to free movement-
1b) The right to free movement have also spiritual guides of living beings on the assumption 
that they do not lose view of one another.
2a) The spiritual beings have a right to derive energy from physically incarnated beings 
providing they do not inflict any harm upon them by that.
2b) The spiritual being is not bound to apply its energy.
3a) The spiritual beings are supposed to become a source of invention for living beings.
3b) The beings each time choose their cult of their own accord.
Practically every value is accompanied by a contraproductive one: Easiness - effeminacy; 
personality - separation; love - approximation; selfishness - unpopularity; injustice - 
aggressiveness; strictness - runaways, and so forth. Essentially it is about regular application 
of the law of causality. The importance consists in the fact, that the values and countervalues 
are as an integral whole neutral: neither good, nor evil. People are forced through such 
relations to search for a space of existence, in which they prosper, and if they leave such 
environment, consequently live without an adequate burden and then degenerate, or with an 
oppressive burden and they are demonized. Therefore we shall search for an optimal burden, 
optimum taking advantage of creativeness and social mobility which stabilizes the optimal 
burden. In case that a product of the burden makes for a man trouble, then we shall divert him 
by means of sexuality and delight.
Pass an opinion on that - published on www.osud.cz
Author: Pohodicka (212.20.108.---)		 Date: February 12, 2003       	      Time: 6:15 p.m.
The agreement between beings called Sophros (on behalf of cosmic powers) and Nyvoš-Medy 
(on behalf of this human world)
The subject of the agreement:
Transference of spiritual beings from the planet Earth to other planets of creation. The 
transference will be made easier by change of libido and ensured by real possibilities to return 
back. This agreement also should settle hostility in any form between this human world and 
cosmic powers. It means, that separate cults should not be mutually attacked and limited. 
The agreement comprises these stipulations: 
1) On the planet Earth could have an impact at most just one extraterrestrial cult of each alien 
planet: the number of members of each extraterrestrial cult shall be maximally one per mille 
of terrestrials living on the planet Earth. The number of members of the extraterrestrial cult 
will be regulated by practical support of media and adjustment of libido.
2) The spiritual beings of separate cults shall depart for planets of their cults. The departures 
would be interrupted, if the total number of terrestrials living on the planet Earth would 
decline under third of optimal number. (As an optimum quantity are nowadays considered 
3 000 000 000 terrestrials, so that the limit is 1 000 000 000 terrestrials. The minimum 
number could be brought down according to living conditions.)
3) The right for privacy regarding lifestyle of separate cults may not be violated; all the cults 
must comply with valid laws related to public relations. Anybody must have right to leave any 
cult without restraint and also opportunity before entering the cult to familiarize with lifestyle 
of its members, accepted principles in life and fundamental catechism of the cult.
	People are easily and securely held in power through their libido by which they are 
obsessed. They hanker after authority or boundless wealth. That’s illusion, of course; this way 
is ingeniously blocked. Because of their obsession, opponents reciprocally blacken their 
names. If somebody markedly advances in comparison with others, without delay is another 
ambitious person instructed or advised how to curb him. It is about envy, conceit and personal 
ambitions. The opposites are: generosity and good will.
The key to understanding of our relation to God is comprehension of the episode about Adam 
and Eve. At the very beginning we must ask these questions: 
Who minds, when somebody grows wiser? A person who wants to cooperate or a person who 
wants to manipulate?
Who minds, when somebody gains ability to distinguish good from evil? Positive or negative 
Who minds sexuality? A person who is able to burn with love or a person who resorts to 
violence and picks fight?
We shall advance after we have answered these questions.
The Bible says, that Adam and Eve then were without ceremony deported to the planet Earth.
The story did not happen on our planet. The Genesis comprises two descriptions of creation.
The first one ends with the words: Reign over the planet Earth (Genesis 1,28).
The second one ends with the words: You may pick fruit from any tree in the garden, except 
the tree of knowledge (Genesis 2,17).
Who is to reign thus over the planet Earth?
1) The planet Earth serves as a model for verification and therefore here should not be 
introduced elements of an extraterrestrial well-tried experience.
2) This is era of cooperation, generosity and good will: that all can be implemented rather by 
terrestrials than by cosmic annunakis.
3) The earthman is here at home and extraterrestrials are guests.
4) The universe people want to teach the mankind, but they do not accept our wisdom.
5) The interests of earthlings and extraterrestrials are completely incompatible.
6) The universe people ruined on the planet Earth at least six civilizations.
7) The extraterrestrials will never leave our planet voluntarily.
8) The cosmic intelligence is interested in clearing the planet Earth.
9) The cosmic intelligence regards all biblical cults and their gods as plotters and intruders.
10) The terrestrials are expected to become indifferent to these acting forces and to develop 
their own projects.
 	God set libido in accordance with man’s duties. If somebody is violated, then he has to 
act at variance with his libido. That’s the reason why people prefer to carry their own business 
instead of taking up paid occupation. Actions in accordance with libido help to regain health, 
actions which are inconsistent with libido weaken. Of course, we have to take into account 
also psychic immunity, which is based on upbringing, analogously as psychic hardiness. 
Therefore we can speak even about psychic burden and search for optimal stress with 
reference to permanent development of personality.