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My program      14. 2. 2005
People should meet one another within the common program. To do it they must announce their program.
1) above all I want a satisfied life on this planet for me, for all beings, people and animal 
2) it is necessary to create harmonic social system in harmony with nature.
3) therefore the whole evil with its causes must be removed and at first we must to agree 
on the question what the evil is.
4) in my oppinion the evil is violence, wars, power selfwill and egoism, poverty, suffering and impassing, 
illness and quandary
5) the main cause of evil I see in human foolishness and systematic social relationship which defend people 
from their way to success.
6) I see personal success as a main source of satisfaction and knowledge and that is why all people should have 
the same opportunities.
7) I do not want to establish egalitarian sociaty. Everyone has to deserve his happiness.
8) therefore we have to create such a sympathic system in which the good experience asserts 
and the bad experience is repressed.
9) harmony of nature will be an example for us and also the area of study. The nature itself will be our environment.
10) our civilization has a lot of good and bad sides. We will study it and value the experience.
11) production of goods and security of profesional services is important source of human
development and personal growth.
Therefore establishing of such production must be done by many people especialy by middle class (tradesmen)
12) the same reason is for necessity to solve all matters on as low level as possible.
13) privacy of man is its biggest property and that is why we will guard the privacy from disturbers.
14) human spiritual environment has the same meaning for man as operation program for a computer.
Therefore we will esteme our dead men and call them to common way. Once we will be among them.
15) children are hope for continuing of our life and that is why we will create system in which we
will have enough time for their upbringing.
16) and we will search for people with the same oppinion because the power is in unity.