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Basic and system value of solution

Many top experts from various scientific disciplines declare that they have found basic system just within their line of work. It means that basic system is comprised in all empiric branches of science and thus in everything what respects reality and entity – make your choice.
The term CONSENSUS as one of fundamental concepts surely belongs also to basic system. After all, computers function on the basis of correspondence – namely, they monitor 16 or 32 bit levels – and only such action is started which accords within its combinations of levels. Other actions could be started only in case of malfunction, otherwise on no account. While writing these lines, I feel that I am already reaching ultimate goal of my way and here I just find consensus as the aim of all searching and as the tool of functionality pertinent to every system and every relation. Many of us long for harmony which define in various ways – as good relationship, situation without conflict, ease, satisfaction – but each time within a meaning of peace without any course of events, peace that enables to solve anything.
I hence recommend to accept CONSENSUS as starting and target value for one’s own behaviour and relations, and also for acting and enforcement of all private interests. I do not suppose that we would get away with any evil deeds. Everybody will surely become aware of anything. I also realize that every man pursues his legitimate interests and I will either assure him that I am not going to interfere with them, or if I would upset with them then I would have to come to an agreement about some kind of compensation.
I thus try to harmonize in particular myself together with my conscience and then with all fellow workers. When I see for myself that consensus within given relationship is impossible, I would rather end such relationship than suffer from illusion that it functions or will function.
Consequently we formulate reached agreement by means of treaty or settlement which we keep. In case that we would like to depart from it, then we initiate negotiations to explain existing situation together with reasons and try to modify such treaty or settlement. However, everything is possible, and therefore I may only state that at the end of my voyage I arrived at CONSENSUS bearing ship to love, satisfaction, ease and peace.
But we thus do not have to come to an agreement about everything beforehand – we may even act on the basis of anticipation that consensus will be reached subsequently. It means that we will act in such a manner which concerned persons and subjects will later evidently approve, accept. In the final stage of my quest I thus found consensus as basic value for cooperation. Meeting of minds may take many shapes. I regard conformity as a base of functionality supporting all systems. We may discover agreement on every level and in any system.
A man who wants to be successful should strive for harmony. We may also arrive at agreement when ending nonfunctional relationship, if we have options, if we thus enjoy freedom. And the circle closes.